

Freethinkers – World History Part 3 – Ancient History AD

Freethinkers in a regular Zeitgeist event where we discuss topics related to: Science, Technology, Nature and Sustainability. As you can imagine this is quite open-ended. A wide variety of topics end up being discussed. Topics we have covered in the past include: critical thinking, cryptocurrency & blockchain technology, environmental sustainability, internet freedom, economic inequality, universal basic income & technological unemployment, direct democracy, evolution, how money works, artificial intelligence, cognitive biases, nonviolent communication, the Scientific Method and more!

No topic need be too sacred. No idea above questioning. The point of this meetup is not only to hang out with like minded people and have fun on a Saturday or Sunday night 😉 but also to learn something new and to genuinely intellectually explore ideas. This means taking offence isn’t adequate grounds for objecting to an idea. Your ideas and worldview will be challenged. But it is all in the spirit of fun and getting closer to the truth not about being right or wrong. If you’re getting a bit squeamish thinking this event is going to be super serious then relax it’s fun and all people and ideas are welcome. 🙂


Freethinkers – World History Part 2 – Ancient History BC

Freethinkers in a regular Zeitgeist event where we discuss topics related to: Science, Technology, Nature and Sustainability. As you can imagine this is quite open-ended. A wide variety of topics end up being discussed. Topics we have covered in the past include: critical thinking, cryptocurrency & blockchain technology, environmental sustainability, internet freedom, economic inequality, universal basic income & technological unemployment, direct democracy, evolution, how money works, artificial intelligence, cognitive biases, nonviolent communication, the Scientific Method and more!

No topic need be too sacred. No idea above questioning. The point of this meetup is not only to hang out with like minded people and have fun on a Saturday or Sunday night 😉 but also to learn something new and to genuinely intellectually explore ideas. This means taking offence isn’t adequate grounds for objecting to an idea. Your ideas and worldview will be challenged. But it is all in the spirit of fun and getting closer to the truth not about being right or wrong. If you’re getting a bit squeamish thinking this event is going to be super serious then relax it’s fun and all people and ideas are welcome. 🙂

In these events we will learn about the history of humanity and the history of human civilisations. History is often considered dry and boring, but history is a fascinating topic which can provide so much insight into modern times and ourselves.

Part 2 – Ancient history BC will build on the previous lecture and explore how humans began complex civilisations. Covering the period from 3,000+ BC to year zero, it will follow the rise of fall of empires, particularly those that reshaped the world. During this time complex social structures and beliefs developed as the world became smaller. The recurring themes of power and empires will be explored as the fight for resources such as territory, money and subjects grew to new heights.

The purpose of this event is to gain perspective on where we came from and to provide a broad overview of ancient history that occurred before Christ for everyone who fell asleep in history class 😉 Some of the events that occurred in this period were: The construction of the pyramids in Egypt, the Greek and Trojan war, the bronze age and its collapse, the rise of the first truly global empire – The Persian empire, the conquest of the Persian empire by Alexander the Great and spread of Greek culture. The bitter struggle for dominance over the Mediterranean between Rome and Carthage and the political and romantic intrigue of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra and Mark Antony.

Because of the serialised nature of these lectures it is important that you see each one as the future parts operate on the assumed knowledge of the previous parts.

Zachary Alexander – The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland Coordinator


Zeitgeist Social Night

Join us for another Zeitgeist Social Night. It will be a casual fun event meant to give people an opportunity to socialise and mingle with other Zeitgeisters, freethinkers, critical thinkers, futurists and scientists.

This event is much less formal/structured and more casual than other TZM events in Brisbane but still tons of fun.

Casually catching up and hanging out with friends is just as important as sharing vital information. Building community and friendships is another crucial aspect of The Zeitgeist Movement. Cooperation and communication are also necessary for improving society. There is no better way to find common ground than while mingling, with food and drink.

There will be vegan snacks and dinner provided but if anyone wants to bring a plate of food, that would be greatly appreciated.

Entry is free.
Feel free to BYO drinks.
Street and guest parking is available and the Toowong bus and train stations are handy.

It will wrap up relatively early (10 pm at the earliest) because I know it’s a school night. 😉

Zachary Alexander – The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland Coordinator


Freethinkers – World History Part 1 – Prehistory

Freethinkers in a regular Zeitgeist event where we discuss topics related to: Science, Technology, Nature and Sustainability. As you can imagine this is quite open-ended. A wide variety of topics end up being discussed. Topics we have covered in the past include: critical thinking, cryptocurrency & blockchain technology, environmental sustainability, internet freedom, economic inequality, universal basic income & technological unemployment, direct democracy, evolution, how money works, artificial intelligence, cognitive biases, nonviolent communication, the Scientific Method and more!

No topic need be too sacred. No idea above questioning. The point of this meetup is not only to hang out with like minded people and have fun on a Saturday or Sunday night 😉 but also to learn something new and to genuinely intellectually explore ideas. This means taking offence isn’t adequate grounds for objecting to an idea. Your ideas and worldview will be challenged. But it is all in the spirit of fun and getting closer to the truth not about being right or wrong. If you’re getting a bit squeamish thinking this event is going to be super serious then relax it’s fun and all people and ideas are welcome. 🙂

In these events we will learn about the history of humanity and the history of human civilisations. History is often considered dry and boring, but history is a fascinating topic which can provide so much insight into modern times and ourselves.

Part 1 – Prehistory will focus on how homo sapien humans became such a dominant force on planet earth, how we outcompeted other human species to extinction and what allowed us to organise in large cohesive social structures that laid the foundation for later human civilisations to be possible.

We will explore the evolutionary baggage that we accumulated on our incredible journey out of east africa into every corner of the globe. Understanding our own past is paramount to understanding ourselves because so much of our past still resides within us, particularly with respect to our human brain and its structure.

Human beings possess several key factors that allowed us to survive and adapt to a changing environment. This flexibility in addition to our ability to cooperate in large groups was a formidable combination and key to our evolutionary success.

World History Part 1 will begin when anatomically modern humans emerged approximately 200,000 years ago and will track our journey to beyond the agricultural revolution approximately 12,000 year ago. In this time period humans domesticating plants and animals and began developing more sophisticated tools and technologies. Part 1 will finish at approximately 5,000 years ago where part 2 – Ancient History will resume a week later 🙂

Because of the serialised nature of these lectures it is important that you see each one as the future parts operate on the assumed knowledge of the previous parts.

Zachary Alexander – The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland Coordinator


Freethinkers – Nonviolent Communication

Freethinkers in a regular Zeitgeist event where we discuss topics related to: Science, Technology, Nature and Sustainability. As you can imagine this is quite open-ended. A wide variety of topics end up being discussed. Topics we have covered in the past include: critical thinking, cryptocurrency & blockchain technology, environmental sustainability, internet freedom, economic inequality, universal basic income & technological unemployment, direct democracy, evolution, how money works, artificial intelligence, cognitive biases, the Scientific Method and more!

No topic need be too sacred. No idea above questioning. The point of this meetup is not only to hang out with like minded people and have fun on a Saturday or Sunday night 😉 but also to learn something new and to genuinely intellectually explore ideas. This means taking offence isn’t adequate grounds for objecting to an idea. Your ideas and worldview will be challenged. But it is all in the spirit of fun and getting closer to the truth not about being right or wrong.

Each event includes:
Informational presentations and/or videos clips to stimulate discussion on the chosen topic. The point of the event is to have a real discourse on the chosen topic through open discussion. If you’re getting a bit squeamish thinking this event is going to be super serious then relax it’s fun and all people and ideas are welcome. 🙂

This events topic is Nonviolent Communication (NVC). NVC is a system of communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg several decades ago. Universally applicable, not only does it increase the likelihood that everyone will get what they want but it also decreases the likelihood of violence. Rosenberg describes it as a way to make life more wonderful by allowing natural giving to take place. Or as he describes it giving from the heart without any sense of duty, obligation, guilt or shame. NVC explores the hidden/implied meaning in what we say and attempts to remove judgement or blame from what we say. It is common to imply blame, wrongness or fault with someone’s action without even knowing it which can cause resentment and a defensive reaction. It does this by eliminating the competitive, adversarial and violent provocative style of communication that has infected most of our lives.

If you are interested in learning new strategies for communication this NVC workshop will begin Sunday afternoon at 3:30pm in the Brisbane Square Library’s Theatrette (Ground Floor) and going late into the evening ending up in a bar or restaurant.

See you there! 🙂

Zachary Alexander – The Zeitgeist Movement Queensland Coordinator