Time to get those projects going folks! This is a time and space to progress those fabulous ideas we keep talking about. Who: People who have attended a Monthly Movies that Matter meeting or are familiar with The Zeitgeist Movement and its tenents and want to participate in one of the projects below. New projects should be announced at a Monthly Movies that Matter or on Facebook. Here is the agenda:
Project 1. Visiting Communities – 12pm -12:30pm
2. Outreach Program – 12:45-1pm
3. TZM Qld Youtube channel – Zac Syme – 1pm – 1:30pm
4. Intelligent Systems for new governance – James? Aaron? Andreas? – 1:30 – 2pm
5. Find a big free venue for Zeitgeist Media Festival – 2 – 2:15pm
6. Lessons from starting a community (Eris & Mick) – 2:15
7. Build an EV motorbike – <a>Matthew Rbe Scott</a> 2:45
Will the above people please comment on the above agenda so it can be adjusted to maximize efficiency.
From the following month, May, this room is booked for us on every FOURTH Saturday of the month, same time until November.