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[accordion-group title=”Beyond Zero Emissions”]

Beyond Zero Emissions Inc. is a not-for-profit research and education organisation known for its work designing and implementing a zero emissions economy for Australia. It’s goal is to transform Australia from a 19th century fossil fuel based, emissions intensive, economy to a 21st-century renewable-energy-powered clean-tech economy.

Through the Zero Carbon Australia (ZCA) research project, BZE is encouraging climate change policy that is in line with the latest science. By sharing this research with thousands of Australians via its public engagement program, BZE is engaging, educating and inspiring the community with real solutions to climate change.
In partnership with the University of Melbourne’s Energy Institute, BZE has published the Stationary Energy Plan, a fully costed transition plan for getting Australia to zero emissions in ten years using commercially available technology. Research in progress includes zero carbon buildings, transport with High Speed Rail, land use for carbon storage, industrial processes and export industries.

BZE’s vision is ambitious and achievable – join us to create the future.

We are involved in the following activities:

  • research
  • education
  • transition planning
  • corporate education
  • network building
  • solutions development

We accept the findings of the most current science, which shows that we have already allowed climate change to go too far, and must act immediately to reduce our levels of greenhouse gas emissions to zero and below.[/accordion-group]

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